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Volcanic eruptions can have abrupt local impacts but they can have episodic global climate impacts that can give rise to geopolitical instabilities and migrations.

"Roughly 1,500 volcanoes are potentially active right now, meaning that they’ve erupted at some point in the last 10,000 years." "Right now, roughly a dozen volcanoes are erupting. In all likelihood, they're nothing to worry about — it's doubtful you’ve even heard of them. But every once in a while, there's bound to be a really big eruption. How its effects ripple around the world awaits to be seen." Source

Sulfate is a major atmospheric pollutant and radiative forcing (RF) factor that influences air quality, cloud microphysics, and climate. One of the principal vehicles by which volcanoes can alter climate is the release of great quantities of sulfates and dust which can have a regional and global cooling effect. Sulfate is given off by industry (burning coal and oil) as well as through some volcanic eruptions. Sulphate concentrations in the atmosphere have risen with industrialization acting to mask the warming impact of other gases.


Volcanic News Sources

  Nature Geoscience
  You Tube: Geology Hub Channel
  Wiki:Volcanic explosivity index

Volcanic Disruptions - Local

  Cascade Volcano Warnings

Volcanic Disruptions - Global

  Rand: Global Catastrophic Risk Assessment (October 2024)
  Scientists have linked historical political instability to a number of volcanic events, the latest involving an eruption in the Aleutian Islands.
  Eruption of Alaska's Okmok volcano linked to period of extreme cold in ancient Rome (43 BCE)
  EOS: After analyzing ice cores and historical documents, researchers found a link between eruptions and political change in China over the past 2 millennia. (January 11 2022)
  You Tube: 536 AD: How Did Humanity Survive The Worst Year In History?

North American West Coast Volcanoes

  Hidden threats: these volcanoes near Vancouver are still considered dangerous (November 27, 2018)
  Washington State; Mount Rainier
  Washington State; Glacier Peak
  Canada's volcanoes

Recent Volcanic Eruptions of Note

  Wiki: 2022 Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai eruption and tsunami (Tonga, South Pacific)
  Wiki: 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens (Washington State, USA)
  August 1883 /Krakatoa
  Mount Tambora 1815 - 1818
  Wiki Mount Tamboro (global effects)