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The Big Little Problem (The BL P)

The Big Little Problem is to characterize the space time continuum from the scale of the Cosmological horizon (The Big) to Plancks length (The Little).

The Big Little Problem is an open problem.

Physics has characterized elements of the universe in terms of the Standard model. The Standard Model of particle physics is the theory describing fundamental forces. There are four fundamental forces at work in the universe: the strong force, the weak force, the electromagnetic force, and the gravitational force. They work over different ranges and have different strengths. Gravity is the weakest but it has an infinite range.

The Standard model has been refined over time but it has been found incomplete in various ways. Varous other disciplines like cosmology have characterized in various fragmented ways space at various scales and the "rules" that apply in those spaces but there appears to be no integrated view of the space at various scales and the implications of what is possible in those spaces.This has been a function of our lack of tools for measurement. We cannot, by way of example, "see" dark matter

Dark Matter is an inferred missing mass energy in the universe. In the standard lambda-CDM model of cosmology, the mass–energy content of the universe is only 5% ordinary matter.

Particle physicists have been looking inward and astronomers have been looking outward. The human species lives at the nexus of the Big Little venturing "outward" and "inward" through instrumentation to tap the resources at various scales where the laws of the universe provide different potential resources. What we lack are the necessary tools as well as mental models.

One aspect to the Big Little Problem are the mathematical limits imposed by current computational systems and the seeming intractability of the certain mathematical problems.


You Tube - Talks and Presentations

  The Scale of the Universe | From Planck Length to Observable Universe (4 min)(2018)
  The Planck Length: The Resolution of the Universe? (8 min)(2021)
  The Scale of Everything - The Big, the Small and the Planck (18 Min)(Curious Droid)(2021)
  The Planck scale: Is there a fundamental limit to space and time? (Physics Explained) (28 min) (2023)
  The Royal Institution: Dr. David Tong: The Universe at the smallest scale - quantum gravitational field (Plank Length)(59 min) (March 25, 2024
  The Kavili Prize: Lisa Randall, Scale Matters (52 min)(March 2023
  YT: Why don't electrons fall onto the nucleus? (22 min)(March 2024
  YT: The surprising reason behind electron ‘spin’! (They don’t REALLY spin) (16 min)(March 2024)
  YT:Smallest Particle in the Cosmos Discovered | Neutrinos can cross Earth without Resistance (6 min)(April 21, 2024)
  YT:Microchip Scaling Beyond 1nm
  YT:24 04 03 talk by Prof. Neil Turok - a surprisingly economical description of the universe on both very small and very large scales (April 5, 2024)
  YT:24 04 03 Particles Unknown: Hunting Neutrinos | Full Documentary | NOVA | PBS(April 24, 2024)
  YT: Sean Carroll, "The Biggest Ideas in the Universe: Space, Time, and Motion", Harvard Science Book Talks and Research Lectures (March 8, 2023)
  YT:Sean Carroll, "Quanta and Fields: The Biggest Ideas in the Universe", Harvard Science Book Talks and Research Lectures (June 1, 2024)
  YT: The Royal Institution: The quantum revolution - with Sean Carroll (October 1, 2024)


  Gravity experiments on the kitchen table: why a tiny, tiny measurement may be a big leap forward for physics (March 3, 2024)
  Big Think: A great many cosmic puzzles still remain unsolved. By embracing a broad and varied approach, particle physics heads toward a bright future. (March 28, 2024)
  Report of the 2023 Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel


   Power Laws Scaling and Fractals in the most lethal civil and international wars
  Science Advances: Measuring gravity with milligram levitated masses (February 23, 2024)
  Conformal Quasicrystals and Holography (January 14, 2020)


  Wiki: Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE)
  Wiki: Scalar Field Theory
  Wiki: Levitation based inertial sensing - sub-attonewton force sensitivity
  Wiki: Newton
  Wiki: Mesoscopic physics
  Wiki: Yang–Mills existence and mass gap problem
  Wiki: Hierarchy Problem


  Wiki Exponentiation
  Wiki: The Halting Problem
  Wiki: Complexity Theory
  Royal Society Open Science: A Master Equation for Power Laws (December 7, 2022)
  Matrices in Deep Learning
  No evidence for fractal scaling in canopy surfaces across a diverse range of forest types (December 18, 2023)
  Wiki: Metabolic theory of ecology (+ Metabolic Scaling Theory)
  Constructal Theory
  Quanta Magazine: "In both aperiodic tilings and quantum error-correcting codes, learning about a small part of a large system reveals nothing about the system as a whole."
  Wiki: Measure Theory
  Researchers using pulsar measurements to probe dark matter find Milky Way galaxy is highly dynamic (February 26, 2024)


  Nature: Collective intelligence: A unifying concept for integrating biology across scales and substrates (March 28, 2024)


  Physics Org: Magnetic avalanche triggered by quantum effects: 'Barkhausen noise' detected for first time (March 28, 2024)
  YT: Paul A. M. Dirac, Interview by Friedrich Hund (1982)

Dark Matter

The influence of dark matter (DM), which constitutes around 85% of matter in the Universe, has been firmly established by astronomical observations.

"For perspective, the lightest known particle is the neutrino, which is about 500,000 times lighter than an electron. In the most extreme models, the lightweight dark matter can be billions of times lighter than a neutrino. If dark matter has such a small mass, it will behave in unexpected ways. For example, instead of zipping around the cosmos like particles, it would slosh around like waves."

  Dark Matter Supernova May Be a Thing and There's a Way To Find Them (April 2024) Anton Petrov
  BoseNova in a Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC)
  Neil Turok on the simplicity of nature (April 9, 2024)
  arXiv:2306.16468 : Detection of Bosenovae with Quantum Sensors on Earth and in Space (June 28, 2023)
  Whole Atmosphere Model-Ionosphere Plasmasphere Electrodynamics (WAM-IPE) Forecast System (WFS)
  Dark Matter Bosenovas
  Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) VR Flight Stereoscopic
  Wiki: Axion (hypothetical particle)
  Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI)

Metrology - the science of measurement

The issue is noise. Noise can include: quantum noise, seismic noise, Gravity gradients, Suspension thermal noise, Coating Brownian noise, Coating Thermo - optic noise, Substrate Brownian noise, Excess gas noise

  National Institute of Standards and Technology (US)
  NRC Metrology(CDA)
  National Physical Laboratory (UK)
  YT:RI: Unleashing the power of satellites - with the National Physical Laboratory - Measuring Climate inputs
   New electron microscopy technique for thermal diffusion measurements by National Institute for Materials Science (March 15, 2024)
  Thorium Nuclear Clock and Its Time-Twisting Secrets (April 1, 2024)
  YT: Daniel Carney (LBNL): Fundamental physics at the quantum limits of measurement, Sydney CPPC Seminar (April 11, 2024)
  A new spin on materials analysis: Benefits of probing electron spin states at much higher resolution and efficiency (April 17, 2024)
  Baryon acoustic oscillations

Particle Experiments

  International Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE)
  The SHiP (Search for Hidden Particles)
  IceCube Neutrino Observatory in Antarctica
  IceCube Neutrino Observatory in Antarctica