Local Government Reform - the Affordability Crisis and its broader social implications - the need for action
Simply put, local government is putting the nation at risk.
The affordability crisis in Canada's largest cities must be solved or we threaten our economic livelihoods, our social fabric and our political stability.
The crisis emerges from four forces:
- Automation which is steadily eating away globally at rural employment and strengthening the global forces of economic agglomeration in cities (the economic advantage of networking & skill diversity).
- An aging population (the boom / bust demographic problem) that necessitates immigration at levels necessary to support the boomers health care costs which also means that immigrants must be skilled and wealthy immigrants. (Many are millionaires)
- Antiquated rezoning attitudes and processes which cause monumental supply and demand imbalances that drive prices beyond the reach of young Canadians entering the market, middle class renters and the socially dependent
- A backward construction industry that characterized by skill shortages (red tags), lack of digitization, cottage industry scale and not nearly enough competition.
- Global investors looking for guaranteed no-brainer property investments based on analysis of politically created shortage of housing supply.
The results are fourfold:
- Soaring housing costs are leading to widening inequality and growing poverty as individuals/households choose roofs over food (foodbank demand soaring) and school supplies (governments having to pitch in)
- Problem Export: The "cashing out" of the properted in key large urban centers is causing housing costs to soar in secondary cities and small communities - squeezing the middle class, the poor and small business.
- Housing costs in the sunrise areas of our economy are choked off by the challenge of attract the young and the talented to key urban centres where housing is vastly overpriced.
- The risk of a housing bubble is acting as a restraint on monetary policy which restricts full capacity utilization (economic growth & job creation) in slower growth economic regions - rural areas and threatens the financial stability of the country.
The Solution:
- Price stablity is a public good long regulated by monetary authorities in the interest of the public and in the interest of political stability. (Part of the peace, order & good government package)
- Local governments in Canada's largest cities will have to rezone faster, more broadly, at higher levels - to densify (build up) on transport corridors - to achieve price stability ....or be faced with regulation to achieve such price stability targets.
- Rezoning should be regulated (just as the money supply is) by senior governments to ensure inflation targets are met. Prices would be regulated by the supply of rezoned land. If housing prices start to go up greater than two percent a year or down by two percent then the stock of rezoned land should be either increased or decreased.
- Failure of local governments to rezone adequately would result in an independent authority designating areas for rezoning - just as we reallocate electoral seats and take local school boards to task for failing to manage costs.
- Local government should be provided incentives to meet defined housing supply targets
The social and political costs of inaction are as follow:
- Children are getting short shrift as both parents must work longer to support growing mortgage payments for smaller homes and apartments with longer commutes.
- If people don't feel the benefits of growth (immigration/internal migration), they'll (reasonably) withdraw support for the policies that create it.
- They will seek "populist" solutions on the "far left or far right" that will not be solutions but will aggravate the social and economic stresses by supply & demand imbalances or ignoring longer term economic consequences of short term palliatives.
- The result will be a society which is increasingly unequal, turbulent, wasteful of social capital and marked by economic stagnation (secular stagnation)
The problems of real estate booms and busts, growing homelessness and rising social stress and insecurity will not be solved until "central banks" oversee targets for this central aspect of the economy. Housing booms and busts represent a threat to global financial stability and social stability as the Great Recession of 2008 demonstrated.
Local government's failure to zone for housing growth (with complicit provincial policies in many cases) has forced the Federal government to reduce the number of skilled immigrants we need to build our economic strength and to maintain our social service levels. We are all poorer as a result.
Postcript 1 "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Local governments have run out of time on the need for reform.
Postcript 2 "It is better to put fires out early." Federal and provincial cooperation is needed to resolve the crisis in Canada's major urban centers - a carrot and stick approach is needed that recognizes the challenge of local governance but which will result in housing price stability.
Postscript 3 Because the housing supply shortage has built up over many years correcting the situation will take years even if policy changes were made tomorrow. The construction industry is at or close to capacity.
Local Government Overview in BC
The Housing Affordability Crisis and the Challenges of Local Government Reform
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How Digital Twins Can Help Address Canada’s Housing Shortage (October 7, 2024)
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B.C. leads country with highest proportion of renters living in unaffordable conditions (June 20, 2023)
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(May 12, 2021)
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Canadian Rental Housing Index
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Supply: The Missing Piece (March 20, 2018)
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Canadian CPI Basket of Goods and Services 1986 - 2015 (before things really got out of hand)
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Macleans: The lesson, one year into Vancouver s foreign buyers tax, is that real-estate supply may actually be the city s biggest problem (August 17, 2017)
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Ontario slaps 15% tax on foreign buyers, expands rent control in 16-point plan to cool housing (April 20 , 2017)
Bank of Canada - Housing crisis in Vancouver is a supply problem (April 18 , 2017)
Canada s housing bubble is the economy s biggest risk and its biggest driver. Now governments want to cool it down. (April 18 , 2017)
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Early signs that Vancouver housing market correction may be over: Royal LePage (April 18 , 2017)
Vancouver must speed up housing development process: Greater Vancouver Board of Trade (April 18, 2017)
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Vancouver goes on the defensive on the permitting process (March 7, 2017)
Vancouver looks (talks about) to increase number of townhomes, row houses, duplexes (As supply shrinks in some areas) (March 2, 2017)
CIGI: Ottawa Ignores Flags on Financial Stability
City Lab: The Housing Crisis Is a Building Crisis - Construction industry productivity in the U.S. is lower today than it was in 1968
Global: What the housing market could look like in 2017
G&M: Wake up, Toronto, to your housing crisis
Local Municipal and Regional Public Administration Employment Forecast - too darn many
As Ottawa moves to cool the excesses of the housing market, those who ve benefited from the bubble should hope for the best, but expect the worst (October 12, 2016)
FI: New Homes and Red Tape in Ontario: Residential Land-Use Regulation in the Greater Golden Horseshoe (October 4, 2016)
Vancouver Sun: Report: Delays and costs of permits in Greater Vancouver (September 1, 2016)
MLI: Poor Government Policy, not foreign investors exacerbating Canada's housing pricing crisis (September 2016)
REAL ESTATE What Makes Housing Too Expensive (April 2016)
B.C. municipalities should reduce barriers to housing construction, not foreign ownership (July 8, 2016)
The Economist: Faulty land use throttling London (April 2016)
Amalgamation research studies
How growth of cities determines the growth of nations
OECD: Finland launchs a reform to create more efficient municipalities through voluntary mergers (2014)
Local Government and social mobility
Strengthening Fiscal Frameworks and Improving the Spending Mix
Core Review hinges on political will
CD Howe Institute: Adaptability, Accountability and Sustainability: Intergovernmental Fiscal Arrangements in Canada (July 2015)
Innovation: Wherever this McKinsey think piece says business insert local government (July 2015)
Standard and Poor's US Local Governments School and Special Districts
Is the BC Government helping out with reform or is it part of the problem?
An unfortunate pattern of delay - all too common
Proposed Local Government Act Revision (2015)
OECD Studies relating to municipal merger
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