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Emergency Preparedness (Under construction)

There is never a substitute for preparation and drill.

From the Fort McMurray Fire to the earthquake in New Zealand you know that things can go sideways suddenly and you may be without water, food and shelter on very short notice or with no notice.

Do you have the skills to live in the rough? Do you have the supplies? What is the state of your first aid kit? Is your family prepared? Do you have a region exit plan?

The rule of threes: 3 days, three weeks, three months...

Risks in BC include, but are not limited to,: Earthquakes (overdue), Tsunamis (overdue), Flooding (10yr, 50yr), Fires (increasing frequency), Windstorms (powerloss), Blizzards, Pandemics, Cyberattack, A Carrington Event (Geomagnetic storm) (power loss), an EMP attack (power loss) Nuclear emergencies.

When you are prepared, your community is better prepared, and you will not be a burden to others in time of crisis.

Longer term existential risks to humankind include: Climate Change, an AI Singularity, the growth of authoritarian regimes and breakdown of international liberal norms and institutions.


Emergency News Sources

  CKNW NewsTwitter: @CKNW
  Environment Canada Weather WarningsTwitter: @ECCCWeatherBC

Government Emergency Organizations and Programs

  B.C. - Provincial Emergency Program (PEP)
  Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada
  Canada Earthquake
  National Emergency Strategic Stockpile
  Canada: National Strategy and Action Plan for Critical Infrastructure  
  U.S. Federal Emergency Measures Agency (FEMA)

Emergency Preparedness Knowhow

  Wikipedia - Ten Essentials
  Hiking - Ten Essentials
  Community Emergency Response Team Training Material
  Emergency Preparedness Supplies
  Emergency Power Backup
  Amateur Radio

Sources of Risk and Threat

  Global Pandemic
  Earthquakes - The Big One
  Grid Failure: Solar Flare Geomagnetic Storms (Carrington Event)
  Grid Failure: Cyberattack
  Grid Failure: Electromagnetic Pulse
  Floods and Rising Sea Levels
  Global Financial Collapse
  Food Security Failure
  Motor Vehicle & Transporation related
  Drugs Overdoses & Poisoning
  Breakdown of Social Cohesion: Social Unrest and War
  Volcanoes: Local, Regional And Global Impacts
  Asteroids & Comets
  Artificial Intelligence
  Hybrid War
  Limited Nuclear War - For example India and Pakistan
  Senescence & Age Correlated Disease

Misc to be organized

  BC Hydro - Prepare your home for a power outage
  Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency - Emergency Preparedness
  The International Council for Life Sciences
  Center for Biosecurity
  Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI)
  Council for Responsible Genetics
  Genewatch - UK (Anti)
  Center for Responsible Nanotechnology
  Harvard Center for Risk Analysis
  U.S. Department of Homeland Security
  Canadian Security Intelligence Service
  Federation of American Scientists - Comprehensive resources
  Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy
  Criminal Intelligence Service of Canada
  Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism (MIPT)
  International Artificial Intelligence Safety and Cooperation (IAISC)
  A Skeptical Guide to Doomsday

International Organizations

  World Health Agency Twitter: @WHO
  International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)Twitter: @iaeaorg

Books , Articles & Interviews

  The Economist: Will humans wipe out humanity? A book excerpt and interview with Martin Rees, Britains Astronomer Royal and Emeritus Professor of Cosmology and Astrophysics at the University of Cambridge
