Without doubt, a major geomagnetic storm will again hit Earth. It is not a matter of if, but when.
The consequences of another Carrington event could be globally catastropic because of the advanced digitization of global society, the deep electrification of our society and length and complexity of our supply chains.
Canada needs to fund and annually review the degree of national preparedness for the threats to the North American Grid.
"This solar cycle started in 2020 and reach its maximum in 2025. " Source
What is a Blacksky event? It is a long-duration power outage Source
Blackstart restoration requires the electric and natural gas entities to work collaboratively across multiple jurisdictions and functional responsibilities, including but not limited to, transmission operators, generator operators, distribution providers, reliability coordinators, and natural gas producers, processors, and transporters
"On 20 December, 2023, at a meeting of the National Space Council, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) released the new Space Weather Implementation Plan which identifies actions to implement the 2019 National Space Weather Strategy and Action Plan over the next five years. Upon its release, Stephen Welby, Deputy Director, National Security, OSTP, stated "We are committed to improving national preparedness for space weather and that commitment remains constant, and is in fact more relevant and important than ever."