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BC Science and Technology - Under Construction

BC has an aspiring Digital Technology Supercluster. Whether there is coherence to the thrust remains a moot point.

Certainly BC has many of the ingredients for a successful digital technology thrust. It's roots go back to the 1980's at least. But it has often been an uphill struggle.


Federal Government

  Digital Technology SuperclusterTwitter: Digital Technology Supercluster @DTSupercluster
  CIFAR leads the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy
  Quantum Canada a summary of the steps Canada has taken to build quantum research excellence and to support a growing quantum industrial base.
  Max Blouw Canada hasnt dropped off the map when it comes to global R&D...yet. But unless a pattern of underinvestment is reversed, we are headed in that direction. (April 19, 2018)
  The Naylor Report - Final report of the Advisory Panel on Federal Support for Fundamental Science (April 10, 2017)
  Compute Canada - runs Canadas advanced research computing platformTwitter: @ComputeCanada
  WestGrid - Regional Partner of Compute Canada Twitter: @WestGrid

Provincial Government

  BC Technology & Innovation Initiatives, Plans and Strategies
  B.C. Innovation Commissioner
  B.C. Innovation Commissioner Roadmap
  B.C. Innovation Commissioner - research and analysis specific to British Columbia
  Acknowledgement of Innovation Commissioner's Progress Report
  British Columbia Technology and Innovation Policy Framework
  Office of the Chief Information Officer
  Ministry Chief Information Officer Council
  OCIO Strategy 2016
  BC Government API Guidelines - GitHub
  BC Data Council
  BC Government API Registry

BC Research Institutions

  BC Research Institutions

Artificial Intelligence BC

  Artificial Intelligence BC - an idea whose time will come

Important Voices in BC - Twitter

  Twitter: Jaimie Boyd @jaimieboyd Chief Digital Officer for the Government of British Columbia. Former @OpenGovCan, #GCdigital & @ActionCanada
  Twitter: CJRitchieBCCIO @CjGcioCIO for the Province of BC,
  Twitter: Frank Wood @frankdonaldwood
  Twitter: BCDevExchange @bcdevexchange
  Twitter: J-P Fournier @_jpfournier Digital Government @FreshWorksApps. Formerly: digital strategy @BCPublicService.
  Twitter: @kelseysingbeil Director, Service Design - Government of British Columbia.
  Paper: Digital Government Units: What Are They, and What Do They Mean for Digital Era Public Management Renewal?
  Twitter: #BCTECH
  Twitter: #ainbc
  Twitter: #AIPolicybc
  Twitter: SFUResearch
  Twitter: Joy Johnson - SFU Vice-President Research & International, @drjoyjohnson

Important Voices in BC - Organizations

  Business Council of British Columbia Twitter: BusinessCouncilBC @BizCouncilBC
  First Nations Technology Council

Important Voices in BC - Organizations

  UBC UBC Industry Liason Office Twitter UBC UILO @techtransfer