Artificial Intelligence BC is an idea, a concept for the advancement of artificial intelligence and machine learning science in British Columbia.
Like Genome BC, it would be a networked, non-profit research and outreach organization that invests in and manages research projects and enabling technologies
focused on areas of strategic importance - sunrise industries in BC and traditional industries in BC. It would take advantage both of its geographic proximity to the Western US and to Asia.
It would capitalize on the cosmopolitan, talent welcoming culture of Greater Vancouver and its west coast marine climate to attract global talent in this rapidly developing, high growth industry.
Its initial major investors would be the Province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada. This funding would be complemented by other private and public investments.
It's research projects would be designed to attract international co-funders and partner organizations, including many multinational corporations, worldwide charitable foundations
and top-tier research institutions. Such investments would help us build internationally recognized enabling technologies; recruit, train and retain high quality personnel;
and deliver socio-economic benefits to BC, Canada and the world.
Check out our strategic plan.