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Canada - U.S. Relations - Key Think Tanks & Individuals

North American Think Tanks are going to have to up their game if North American political events are not to take a turn for the worst and golden opportuity is not to be lost.

  The Center for Canadian Studies at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies @SAISCanada
  Christopher Sands, Senior Fellow at Hudson Institute Twitter: @sandsathopkins
  Hudson Institute @HudsonInstitute
  The Bushcenter @TheBushCenter
  Wilson Center Canada InstituteTwitter: @canadainstitute
  Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) @CIGIonline
  Canada West Foundation @CanadaWestFdn
  C.D. Howe Institute @CDHoweInstitute
  Dalhousie University Centre for Foreign Policy Studies @dalcfps
  Carlo Dade @carlodade
  UofCalgary Policy School @policy_school
  Canadian American Strategic Review @casr_ca
  The McKinsey Global Institute @McKinsey
  Mike Bloomberg @MikeBloomberg
  Luiza Ch. Savage@luizachsavage
  Rethinking Think Tanks or Why Canada - US Relations are in trouble
  Canada 2020 @Canada2020
  Jack Mintz @jackmintz
  Brian Herman @BrianHerman14