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Economists & economic observers on Twitter and with a focus on technological deflation, demassification and secular stagnation

If you haven't noticed..... the global economy is in a precarious state as technological change shifts power, challenges existing paradigms and stresses social cohesion

  Mohamed A. El-Erian - Chief Economic Adviser, Allianz. Author of NYT bestsellers "When Markets Collide" and �The Only Game in Town.�Twitter: @elerianm
  Nouriel Roubini - Professor at Stern School, NYU, Chairman of Roubini Macro Associates, blog at� Author of Crisis Economics @Nouriel
  The Peterson Institute for International Economics is a private nonprofit nonpartisan research institution devoted to studying international economic policy @PIIE
  Pedro da Costa - Editorial Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics @PIIE. Contributor to @ForeignPolicy and @BusinessInsider. Previously at @Reuters, @WSJ. @pdacosta
  Larry Summers - Charles W. Eliot Professor and President Emeritus at Harvard. Secretary of the Treasury for President Clinton and the Director of the NEC for President Obama @LHSummers
  Twitter on Larry Summers
  Who Larry Summers follows - smart people follow smart people
  Greg Mankiw's Blog
  Zanny Minton Beddoes Editor The Economist @zannymb
  Sebastian Mallaby is the Paul A. Volcker senior fellow for international economics at the Council on Foreign Relations and a contributing columnist for The Post @scmallaby
  Ian Bremmer - political scientist, author, prof at nyu, columnist at time, president @eurasiagroup. @ianbremmer
  Erik Brynjolfsson - Economics of information and information technology. Professor @MIT. Director @MIT_IDE. Co-author @2MABook @erikbryn
  Frank MacCrory - Assistant Professor of Information Systems at Fordham University @fmaccrory
  George Westerman - MIT Sloan researcher, author, speaker, advisor @gwesterman
  Paul Romer - Chief Economist, World Bank @paulmromer
  Luis de la Calle @eledece
  MRooney @EconGrowth Matthew Rooney is Director of the Economic Growth Program at the George W. Bush Institute
  Joseph E Stiglitz - Nobel laureate economist based at Columbia University @JosephEStiglitz
  Andrew Mcaffee, MIT, @amcafee
  Mariana Mazzucato Mariana Mazzucato @MazzucatoM
  Carl Benedikt Frey, Oxford Martin School, @carlbfrey
  Erik Brynjolfsson, MIT, @erikbryn
  Henry E Siu, UBC
  David Autor, MIT
  Guy Michaels, LSE
  Joel Mokyr, North Western UniversityTalk
  Jeremy Warner @JeremyWarnerUK - Associate Editor, The Daily Telegraph; columnist on the international and UK economies, finance, and businessTelegraph
  Robert J Shiller @RobertJShiller
  Neil Irwin @Neil_Irwin Senior economic correspondent at The New York Times's
  David Deming @ProfDavidDeming
   Lawrence Katz @lkatz42