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Canada - U.S. Relations - The Obama - Harper Years - Breach of Trust

  Friend and Foe: The twists and turns of Canada-U.S. relations (March 2, 2016)
  Ambassador Bruce Heyman's Statement on the Keystone XL Pipeline - November 6, 2015 (Wherein a US Fabian strategy & seven years of delay leads to a major "trust breach")
  Secretary of State's Statement on the Keystone XL Pipeline - November 6, 2015 (Wherein a US Fabian strategy & seven years of delay leads to a major "trust breach")
  The President of the United State's Statement on the Keystone XL Pipeline - November 6, 2015 (Wherein a US Fabian strategy & seven years of delay leads to a major "trust breach")
  The President of the United State's Statement on the Keystone XL Pipeline - November 6, 2015 (Wherein a US Fabian strategy & seven years of delay leads to a major "trust breach")
  CSIS Center for Strategic and International Studies: Finding the Silver Pipelining in the Keystone XL Decision - November 6, 2015 (Putting lipstick on the pig)
  Prime Minister of Canada Statement on the Keystone XL Pipeline - November 6, 2015 (PM reads from Canadian play book 2 days after swearing in)