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Canada's Defence Procurement Strategy

Canada may have a defence procurement strategy in name but not in substance. The procurement arm of government has been so wittled down over the years that it is in a state of disarray. Added to which successive budget delays of "projects" has created a bow wave of work for which the department charged with the work is incapable. Successive governments both Liberal and Conservative have been partly to the Canadian defence disaster in the making.

What is so clearly evident is there is no sense of urgency with respect to the defence gaps emerging from years of neglect and political negligence. Canada is competing in time with its potential adversaires.

The Mandate Letter for the Minister responsible for procurement:

Work with the Minister of National Defence and the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development to launch an open and transparent competition to replace the CF-18 fighter aircraft, focusing on options that match Canada’s defence needs.

Prioritize the National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy to support renewal of the Canadian Coast Guard fleet and to ensure the Royal Canadian Navy is able to operate as a true blue-water maritime force.

Modernize procurement practices so that they are simpler, less administratively burdensome, deploy modern comptrollership, and include practices that support our economic policy goals, including green and social procurement.

This Mandate letter was followed up by a budget at page 204 that lays waste to this charade. It is a classic "hockey stick" forecast of spending that doesn't happen as attrition takes its toll of capability.

If the Defence Procurement mess is not cleared by the next budget then look for another easy out for Finance on the Defence debacle.

  Google Search - Canada - Defence procurement
  Public Works and Government Services Canada - Defence procurement strategy (The Disaster Zone)
  Minister of Public Services and Procurement Mandate Letter (The Unclear Thinking Zone)
  The Minister of Public Services and Procurement @judy_foote
  The Department of Public Services and Procurement @PWGSC_TPSGC
  Air, Sea and Land Procurement
  Ad Hoc Cabinet Committee on Defence Procurement - Membership
  Ad Hoc Cabinet Committee on Defence Procurement - Tweeter IDs @jimcarr_wpg @scottbrison @judy_foote @Bill_Morneau @harjitsajjan @ScienceMin @MarcGarneau @NavdeepSBains
  Public works clarifies gag order as experts warn of chill in warship debate (October 31, 2016)
  NATO's "lead nation procurement" to speed procurement process? (September 16, 2016)
  Russia, China, Iran executing the Third Offset Strategy - building faster and cheaper because of poor political management of Western Procurement (& building scale by selling to emerging markets) (August 12, 2016)
  Government announces streamlined procurement approach to accelerate delivery of Canadian Surface Combatant vessels (June 13, 2016)
  Auditor General of Canada - National Defence - (Can't see the forest for the trees)
  After A Decade, Canada Has Drones (September 3, 2016)
  Canada’s Defence Procurement Strategy: An End or a Beginning? Charles Davies (September 2014)
  The Jenkins Report: Canada First: Leveraging Defence Procurement Through Key Industrial Capabilities (February 2013)
  CASR - Alternatives to Conventional Procurement
  DoD Reorgs Silicon Valley Outpost - Google, Apple execs in new DIUx team
  2012 Spring Report of the Auditor General of Canada - Chapter 2—Replacing Canada’s Fighter Jets (A Classic CF)
  U.S. Government Accounting Office @USGAO
  U.S. GAO Watchdog Blog - look at 79 major DOD acquisition programs
  As Pentagon Dawdles, Silicon Valley Sells Its Newest Tech Abroad (April 2016)
  The Mistake that Decapitated Pentagon Innovation — and How to Fix It (April 14, 2016)
  US GAO DEFENSE ACQUISITIONS: Assessments of Selected Weapon Programs GAO-16-329SP (March 31, 2016)
  US Shaking up defence procurement (April 10, 2016)
  The US Needs More Weapons That Can Be Quickly and Easily Modified (April 25, 2016)
  Dave Perry: Our broken military procurement system (March 31, 2016)
  Terry Milewski, CBC News: New Liberal budget puts off billions in defence spending to make numbers look better (March 27, 2016)